Presented by Hoogland Performing Arts Education and sponsored by Tuthmver Orthodonics.

Trick-or-Treat!  The Hoogland Center for the Arts is thrilled to present a BRAND NEW stage production: A VERY HOOGLAND HALLOWEEN!  

Hoogland Performing Arts Education has brewed a spectacular treat for the entire family filled with your favorite Halloween songs performed by the Hoogland Teens amidst the orange glow of pumpkins in Springfield’s new musical Halloween party!

Children and adults are encouraged to dress up in your Halloween costumes, treats will be given to children at the event, and you might get a visit from three famous witches: The Sanderson Sisters!

Fog will be used as part of the production.

NOTE: Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases locally, we will be asking people to please wear protective masks while in the theatre. There is an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 in public spaces. Audience members assume all risk of contracting COVID-19.