A $500,000 contribution from an anonymous donor has been awarded to Central Illinois Foodbank in Springfield.  The gift will be used to address the growing need for food assistance throughout the Foodbank’s 21-county service area as a result of the economic impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on employment.

Pam Molitoris, Executive Director of the Central Illinois Foodbank, said, “The Foodbank is so honored to be the recipient of this incredibly generous gift that will provide much needed nourishment for our neighbors and hope for those who may not know what the future holds.  The last several months have challenged many in our community as a result of job losses and reduced hours of work.  Among those most greatly impacted are families in need of food assistance for the first time. 

“Since March 2020, the Foodbank has provided food through 85 drive-through distribution events in under-served urban and rural areas throughout the 21- county service area.  Together with over 160 partners we have increased our distribution by nearly 2 million pounds, a 25% increase since the same time frame last year.”

Commenting about the $500,000 gift to the Central Illinois Foodbank, the donor said, “Thousands of individuals and families in Springfield and the surrounding area who have never before experienced hunger are now in a position of not knowing where their next meal will come from. We can’t think of a better way to spend our money than helping feed our neighbors in need.”

The funds from this gift will be used to secure food to address the growing need.  Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of individuals who were food insecure in the Foodbank’s 21-county service region was nearly 90,000 people.  The latest projections estimate that over 120,000 individuals don’t know where their next meal will come.  Currently 1 in 7 individuals, and even more alarmingly, 1 in 4 children are experiencing hunger throughout central and southern Illinois.  These numbers represent increases of 35% among individuals and 46% for children.

“Central Illinois Foodbank has made incredible inroads in meeting the need for nutritious food,” Molitoris said.  “However, there is much work to be done as hunger continues to extend its reach. 

“Even in what we consider to be good economic times, there is so much need that goes unmet.  This incredibly generous gift from a donor, who seeks no recognition or personal gain, inspires us to reach for greater heights.  Today, we have received a gift of hope that with the continued and growing support of the community, we will one day bring an end to hunger.”

Contact the Central Illinois Foodbank (217-522-4022 or www.centralilfoodbank.org for information about how to support its mission to provide food and develop awareness of and creative solutions for food insecurity.