genHkids’ PopUp Produce Pantry program expanded this summer.  At least twice a week, the organization delivers produce to communities like Johnson Park, Poplar Place, Brandon Court, and the area around Matheny-Withrow  Elementary School.  In addition to allowing area residents to select fresh produce, genHkids offers tips and ideas for food preparation, recipes, and sometimes demonstrates quick and delicious preparation techniques.
Partnerships with the Central Illinois Foodbank and the Old Capitol Farmers Market made the expansion of this program possible.  “We know that not everyone has the opportunity to visit farmers’ markets, and that for many families, the produce section at the grocery store can be overwhelming.  Our goal is to provide access to fresh produce so that families get back to eating “real food”, and to educate and encourage people to try new food items,” shared genHkids’ Executive Director Larissa Hansen.

So far this season, genHkids has provided produce to over 161 families.  PopUp Produce Pantries will be scheduled through September.

To learn more about how you can help genHkids achieve their Vision — A generation of safe, healthy, educated and supported children and families who are thriving in active and connected communities — please visit