New Year Resolution Advice – How to succeed this year!

By Bill Stokes, Publisher, Teacher & Founder of the Authentic-U Personal Development System

According to Freudian Theory, behaviors that improve or damage our health, our state of mind or our spirit are driven mostly by our unconscious and subconscious mind.  In fact, Freud hypothesized that 90% of our personality is driven by our unconscious and subconscious mind.

Freud’s theory goes on to say that our unconscious mind is where all of our memories and past experiences reside.  Our repressed memories of trauma and those that have simply been consciously forgotten live in our unconscious mind.  He says it’s from these memories and experiences that our beliefs, habits, and behaviors are formed.  

Another school of thought that is shining light on what controls our ability to make and keep our resolutions is the biological factors that are activated through our “beliefs.”  Epigenetics studies how our beliefs can impact the cellular and physiological traits of our individual genes. This science has discovered that the genetic expressions of individual genes can be turned off or on through external and environmental factors such as our beliefs.  

Regardless of our situation, we must learn how to reprogram our subconscious mind, which forms our beliefs, before we can truly be effective in setting and keeping our New Year Resolutions.  

Programming the subconscious mind

In the book the Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton, PhD. shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology, that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts.  It appears we are more powerful than we thought. Our thoughts not only direct our behavior but they can change how our DNA expresses itself!

By controlling the environment we live in and the information or energy we allow our mind and body to experience, we can create change for ourselves for good or bad.  It appears the mainstream media and advertisers have figured this out and use this to reinforce their messages. They repeat the same messages over and over.  The media knows that spaced repetition of a message will program the subconscious mind to tell us to do certain things. Whether its political action, buying the latest and greatest thing or preferring one thing over another.

What we must realize, is that we can use the same techniques to reprogram our subconscious for what we want and be more effective in achieving our goals and honoring our resolutions.  Spaced repetition of a message we want to believe is the way we consciously program our subconscious mind to support our goals and resolutions.


Simply, write down your affirmations, your resolutions, your intentions, repeat them daily and do so when you are in a quiet state of mind.  For most people, the best time to do this is when your mind is calm and near the sleep state or in a meditative state. Reprogramming is much more effective when you repeat your resolutions in a quiet mental state when our brain is emanating alpha waves.

Try this technique with your New Year Resolutions.  Do this at night before falling asleep. Have your list handy and as you lay down for the night, read your list carefully and imagine in your mind’s eye what you want to achieve, feel as though you have already accomplished this in your heart.  If you want to read it out loud you can. If you prefer to read it silently that will work too. The key here is to use your imagination to visually see yourself as having already achieved your resolution and feel in your heart that you are already there.   Your subconscious mind will receive these ideas, your beliefs will move into alignment and your beliefs that have been sabotaging your resolutions will diminish.

Let me know if this gets you to your goals this year.  It has helped so many get past those inevitable challenges along the way.

Happy New Year!

Bill Stokes