The Lincoln Land Community College Foundation Board of Directors welcomed Jerry Wesley of Witt as a new member at a recent meeting.

Wesley was an elected member of the LLCC Board of Trustees from 2009-2017, serving as board secretary from 2012-2015 and as vice-chair from 2015-2017.

He has been involved in public education all his life. Wesley worked as a high school social studies teacher, a K-12 principal and a district superintendent in Witt, Morrisonville and Hillsboro. Following his retirement, he served as interim superintendent for six districts in central Illinois. In total, Wesley served in public K-12 education for more than 40 years.

During that time, he became an advocate for adult education, including adult literacy and GED programming. In addition, he served as a member of the Lincoln Land School to Work Partnership and the LLCC Southern Regional Advisory Committee.

The LLCC Foundation’s mission is to cultivate and steward charitable gifts to support Lincoln Land Community College students, programs and services. For more information,