Photo: Evelyn Brandt Thomas (center) presents a check for $100,000 from The Brandt Foundation to the LLCC Foundation to support agriculture education. (L-R: Logan Williams, LLCC ag alum and BRANDT employee; John Sudduth, current LLCC ag student; Evelyn Brandt Thomas; Rich Teeter and Bill Harmon, LLCC professors of agriculture; Dr. Charlotte Warren, president of LLCC. In the background are BRANDT employees.

More students will prepare for in-demand careers in agronomy and plant nutrition thanks to a $100,000 gift from The BRANDT Foundation to the Lincoln Land Community College Foundation.

The gift will create a legacy of support for the LLCC agriculture program through an endowed scholarship fund. Initially, two new BRANDT Foundation Scholarships will be awarded to LLCC students pursuing an associate in applied science degree in precision agronomy/fertilizer or a certificate in fertilizer.

Precision agronomy students historically have at least three job offers before graduation. LLCC’s precision agronomy and fertilizer programs prepare students to use ever-evolving technology including GPS, robotics and drones to forecast, monitor, map and improve yields to help farmers maximize profits.

“BRANDT has been a longstanding and highly valued partner in the success of LLCC’s nationally award-winning agriculture program,” said Dr. Charlotte Warren, president of LLCC, at today’s check presentation ceremony held at BRANDT headquarters in Springfield. “This incredibly generous gift is the latest evidence of The BRANDT Foundation’s commitment to our ag students’ success. BRANDT continues to work hand-in-hand with us as we grow our agriculture program and prepare students for exciting careers in the high-tech future of agriculture.”

Today, Evelyn Brandt Thomas symbolically presented a $100,000 check to Dr. Warren at BRANDT’s global headquarters in Springfield, Ill. The Foundation’s actual commitment will be paid to the LLCC Foundation over five years.

“LLCC is an incredible asset for our community,” said Mrs. Thomas. “We have long supported the college and have embraced their graduates for years. We know that when we hire someone from LLCC we are getting an immediate contributor to Team BRANDT … LLCC graduates hit the ground running, with the training and experience they need to make a difference.”

BRANDT’s support for LLCC agriculture students goes back for decades. For over 20 years, BRANDT has paid tuition and fees for students in the LLCC precision ag/fertilizer program who are then hired by the company. BRANDT also sponsors internships for LLCC ag students and opens its facilities to students studying fertilizer equipment and plant operations. BRANDT shares its precision map and soil test data sets with LLCC classes, and established research plots on the LLCC campus and at the LLCC research farm in Blue Mound, Ill.

Continuing this momentum, the college is developing an accelerated precision ag program that will run throughout the year, graduate students faster and improve the utilization of the LLCC land lab, giving students more hands-on training than ever before.

Agriculture is one of the original programs offered by LLCC and has continuously evolved to keep ahead of the latest technological trends in farming. The agriculture program offers students a hands-on education in the study of cutting-edge agriculture practices, with excellent facilities, dedicated full-time professors, career and internship opportunities, club activities and participation in national competitions. LLCC students can pursue a transfer degree in agriculture or degrees and certificates in agri-business management, precision agronomy/fertilizer and horticulture. More information is available at

The BRANDT Foundation is a private foundation designed to organize the giving of BRANDT, Inc., its employees and the family founders to provide meaningful assistance and support to the communities, farms and families where BRANDT has facilities.