Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay


Written by: Kathy Levin, RDN, CDE, LDN

This is the time of year when you are looking towards warm, comfort foods like soups, stews, and chowders. 

Soups are a great alternative to incorporate more vegetables on to your plate….bowl. 

  • Soups can be hot or cold, a side or a meal, and “clear” or “creamy” 
    • According to wiki, clear soups are either bouillon (broth and other ingredients) or consomme (clear broth only). Based on the thickening agent, the creamier soups have a wider variety of options 
      • Puree: Vegetables are cooked in stock or broth, then puréed and served. Purées rely on the consistency of the main ingredient for thickness. They’re also typically not strained before serving.
      • Bisque: pureed veggies and thickened with nonfat half & half to make a thick, creamy texture with a rich flavor
      • Cream: broth & veggies thickened with béchamel or white sauce.
  • Stews are similar to soups with less liquid. It’s essentially a really “ingredient-thick” soup. There are generally chunks of the veggies. 


  • Chowders are actually stews that are thickened with fat free half & half or a plant based milk. 

Whichever one you choose, incorporate your favorite veggies for an endless array of soups, stews, and chowders.