I doubt many people that are going to the Sangamon County GOP’s (SCGOP) Lincoln Day Dinner read Scott Reeder’s hit piece in Illinois Times about their choice for keynote speaker, Kellyanne Conway.  I did read it and found that it’s written using propaganda techniques like “Name Calling” (using negative phrases to disparage her), “Transfer” (associating a negative symbol to her), “Testimonial” (he got the former state GOP chair Pat Brady to disparage SCGOP in their choice) and used “Card Stacking” to make Conway a divisive figure and the local GOP a divided party.  This is typical of the Illinois Times but it takes critical thinking to see these writing techniques.  

Kellyanne Conway is a well-known political strategist and pollster who rose to national prominence as a key advisor to President Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign. One of Conway’s greatest strengths is her political acumen. She has an impressive track record of successfully guiding political campaigns to victory. Her skills as a pollster and strategist were instrumental in helping Trump win the election, and she has been credited with shaping his messaging and branding.

Conway’s ability to communicate effectively is also a key asset. She is a skilled public speaker and debater, and has a talent for articulating complex ideas in a way that is easy for the public to understand. Her media appearances during the 2016 campaign were widely praised, and she has continued to be a sought-after commentator and speaker since then.  

Another important quality of Kellyanne Conway is her dedication to her work. She is known for being a tireless worker, and has been described as one of the hardest working people in politics. 

In addition to her political acumen and work ethic, Conway is also known for her kindness and compassion. Many people who have worked with her have described her as a caring and empathetic person, who is always willing to lend an ear or offer support to those in need. She has been a strong advocate for women’s rights and has spoken out against sexual harassment and assault, showing that she is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.

She is known for her fierce loyalty to those she works with. Her loyalty extends to her colleagues as well, and she has been praised for her ability to build strong relationships and work collaboratively with others.

It is important to recognize the many positive qualities that she possesses. Her political acumen, communication skills, work ethic, compassion, and loyalty are all admirable traits that have contributed to her success in politics. Regardless of one’s political views, these qualities are worth recognizing and appreciating.